
Hi book lovers, my name is Stuart David Ferguson and I’m enjoying my second career as an author after 40 years as an insurance professional, well actuary actually!

After retiring in 2014 I spent three years working on my first book CAPTURED BY CROMWELL IN CALEDONIA. I self-published in early 2017 and have given copies to family and friends. I’m pleased with the feedback and have now published an updated hardback version with colour photographs.

I intend including additional information about it on my website which I hope you’ll find interesting. It’s been a major piece of work and I have very much enjoyed writing it.

My second book THE INCREDIBLE MILTONS OF SUSSEX was self-published in January 2019 and my third book, FLOWERS ON THE COLD WALL, in December 2021.

All my books are family themed stories set against the background of major historical events.

CAPTURED BY CROMWELL IN CALEDONIA is about my own family, tracing its roots back to Scotland at the time of Oliver Cromwell and the Civil War. It also includes our involvement in the early military jets, the Cold War and a secret war in the Far East. It is written in the style of a novel; there is also a paper to accompany the book which sets out my detailed research.

THE INCREDIBLE MILTONS OF SUSSEX are a fictional aristocratic family. Their story spans the whole of the twentieth century, including their involvement in the Boer War, the Great War, the sinking of the Titanic, the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War.

FLOWERS ON THE COLD WALL is the story of a family in crisis in the nineteen-sixties as a result of world events, especially the ‘Cold War’ between the Soviet Union and the West. It draws heavily on my own experience, including life at an austere boarding school, and living in Berlin at the time of the appearance of the infamous wall in August 1961.

My fourth book is an anthology of short stories, plus four poems written on a flight to Australia. Six of these stories are here on the website:

The Film Extra

An Interesting Change of Lifestyle

An Unexpected Reunion

Never Lose Hope

The Brand New Mum

The Game in Question

I have written six more light-hearted tales of everyday life:


The Parkrun Lady

A Different Sort of Wedding

Trouble at the Pub Quiz

Flashback Friday

The Secret Office

‘A WRITER’S DOZEN-Twelve Short Stories & Poetry Quartet’ will be published by ROSIE BOOKS in early 2024.